Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why I'm starting a blog

  1. All the cool people have one.
  2. It is a socially acceptable alternative to talking to myself: less disturbing for my roommates.
  3. I have an unusual combination of interests, so I rarely have no more than one thing in common with any of my friends. Instead of boring my friends with stories they are not interested in, I'll put my stories here as optional reading.
  4. I have strong opinions on pretty much everything. 
  5. At one point in my life, I really wanted to be a journalist. Journaling about myself seems deliciously self-indulgent. 
  6. I want to watch less TV. 
  7. I'm an avid consumer of online content: I more than occasionally pour over friends' and acquaintances' Facebook profiles and wall posts to put together their life stories to satisfy my idle curiosity. It seems fair that I give others an opportunity to satisfy their curiosity. 
  8. I'm hoping that if I set aside time to spend online for blogging, I'll spend less time web surfing at work and hence be more productive.
  9. I'm hoping someone somewhere will actually read my blog, which will be good for my ego. At the very least, the blog will be cached by google, giving my words permanence, even indestructibility.